Technology. Software.


Hello! I am Ninad Naik, a Software Developer. I have a keen interest in Web and App Development. I enjoy exploring and tinkering new things and meet new people. I love to learn about Astronomy.


React.js Firebase AWS


CodeIt is a specialized online coding platform designed for instructors to establish groups, post coding challenges, and oversee learners’ solution submissions

Flutter REST APIs

News Forecast

An Android app to get weather and news updates built using material design and uses APIs to fetch data.

It provides weather insights – Temperature, condition, wind speed, humidity, visibility and news previews.

Python MongoDB Kivy scikit-learn Librosa


An AI Public Speaking Practice app to measure and track public speaking skills

It measures speech metrics — filler words, speech pace, confidence level and gives feedback

Java Swing SQLite


A desktop application to generate and store passwords locally.

Implemented SHA256 Hashing and AES algorithm for security.


Expense Splitter

A simple Android app to help you split the expense among friends made with Flutter.

It shows how much a person pays to another.

Next.js React.js Markdown

Ninad's Blog

Made a responsive and static blogging site to post my blogs.

Migrated the blog from vanilla HTML, CSS and JS to Next.js and Markdown